IV International Scientific-Practical Conference of St. Tikhon: „Christian Asceticism: History and Modernity”

IV International Scientific-Practical Conference of St. Tikhon
Christian Asceticism: History and Modernity
International workshop
Ascetism as a Principle of Spiritual Life in the Doctrine of St. Gregory Palamas
Pskov, 17-18 November 2017
The following topics will be discussed during the seminar
- Asceticism as a principle of Christian morality.
- Interpretation of asceticism in the spiritual heritage of the Church Fathers.
- The ascetic practice as the foundation of the spiritual life of Monasticism.
- The monastic spiritual guidance and ascetic practice of obedience.
- Physical and spiritual measurement of asceticism in the tradition of Hesychasm.
- Experience of silence as an ascetic practice in the tradition of Hesychasm.
- Asceticism as the foundation of mystical practice in the doctrine of St. Gregory Palamas.
- St. Gregory Palamas as an ascetic person: his life and spiritual struggle.
- Will and Reason in the ascetic practices of the Middle Ages.
- Ethical rules of asceticism and the Modern culture.
- Asceticism as a principle of life of Russian monks-elders.
- Understanding of asceticism in the Russian spiritual culture.
- The principles of ascetic life in the characters of Russian literature (Dostoevsky, Leskov).
The Conference program will include the visit to the Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves Monastery (at town Pechory) with an overnight staying and excursion.
Participation fee (including accommodation, meals in Pskov and trip to Pechory and back) for foreign participants is 30 Euro (for the Russian participants – 500 rubles). Accommodation and meals at the Monastery is for a donation.
If you are interested to participate in this project, please, send before June 1, 2017 abstracts (2-3 pages 4000-6000 characters) and brief information about your scientific position (with a note „Conference 2017” in the field of „Subject”) on the e-mail address of Organizing Committee Secretary Konstantin Shmoraga: kost78@yandex.ru (mobile +7 921 500 87 17).
As a result of the workshop is planning to publish a collection of articles.
The organizers
Pskov State University
Pskov Orthodox Metropolis
Ryazan State University of Sergey Esenin
„Institute of Theology of Saints Methodius and Cyril”
Belarusian State University
Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Moscow
International Society of St. Gregory Palamas
Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Konstantin Shmoraga, Lecturer, Pskov State University (Russia).
Organizing Committee
Archimandrite Tikhon (A.N. Secretarev), Prior of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves Monastery, Associate Professor of Chair
of Theology, Pskov State University (Russia); Dan Chitoiu, Professor, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Romania); Constantinos Athanasopoulos,
Ph.D., Open University of Glasgow (United Kingdom); Oleg Dushin, Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (Russia); Marina Manoilova,
Professor, Head of Chair of Theology, Pskov State University (Russia).