International Workshop on „Nicomachean Ethics in the History of European Thought”

Call for Papers: International Workshop on „Nicomachean Ethics in the History of European Thought” 18-19 November 2016
Interested speakers can send their abstracts by 1 February 2016 (2-3 pages, up to 1000 words or 6000-8000 characters) and a brief CV to the Chair of Organizing Committee: Prof. Oleg E. Dushin
Possible topics for discussion may include:
- The position and significance of Nicomachean Ethics in the Aristotelian Corpus and the history of Aristotelianism.
- Key concepts and moral dilemmas in Nicomachean Ethics (virtue and vice, happiness and the good, the will and akrasia)
- The Greek Hellenistic and Byzantine Commentators of Nicomachean Ethics and the influence of Nicomachean Ethics to Byzantine Philosophy and Theology.
- Nicomachean Ethics in the system of Medieval University education
- Nicomachean Ethics and the Medieval Scholastics: Commentaries of Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and thinkers of the XIV-XV centuries (Walter Burley, Jean Buridan).
- Nicomachean Ethics in the Humanistic Philosophy of the Renaissance (Padua’ School, Leonardo Bruni, Jacques Lefévre de Ètaples)
- Philip Melanchthon as a commentator of Nicomachean Ethics and the birth of the Protestant Aristotelianism.
- The „turn to Aristotle” in the Philosophy of the XIX century (F.A. Trendelenburg, Franz Brentano).
- Nicomachean Ethics and Analytic Philosophy of the XX century (Moral Intentionality, Logic and Ethics, Deontic Logic).
- Nicomachean Ethics in Contemporary Ethical Theory (Decision Theory, Moral Reasoning, Virtue Theory).
- The history of the translations of Nicomachean Ethics: from the Middle Ages till now.
- Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics in the Russian philosophical tradition.
- Nicomachean Ethics, Value Theory, Cultural Criticism, Economics and Political Philosophy.
Saint-Petersburg State University
Institute of Philosophy
Chair of History of Philosophy
Center for Medieval Culture Studies