International Workshop on „Nicomachean Ethics in the History of European Thought”



Call for Papers: International Workshop on „Nicomachean Ethics in the History of European Thought” 18-19 November 2016

Interested speakers can send their abstracts by 1 February 2016 (2-3 pages, up to 1000 words or 6000-8000 characters) and a brief CV to the Chair of Organizing Committee: Prof. Oleg E. Dushin

 Possible topics for discussion may include:

  1. The position and significance of Nicomachean Ethics in the Aristotelian Corpus and the history of Aristotelianism.
  2. Key concepts and moral dilemmas in Nicomachean Ethics (virtue and vice, happiness and the good, the will and akrasia)
  3. The Greek Hellenistic and Byzantine Commentators of Nicomachean Ethics and the influence of Nicomachean Ethics to Byzantine Philosophy and Theology.
  4. Nicomachean Ethics in the system of Medieval University education
  5. Nicomachean Ethics and the Medieval Scholastics: Commentaries of Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and thinkers of the XIV-XV centuries (Walter Burley, Jean Buridan).
  6. Nicomachean Ethics in the Humanistic Philosophy of the Renaissance (Padua’ School, Leonardo Bruni, Jacques Lefévre de Ètaples)
  7. Philip Melanchthon as a commentator of Nicomachean Ethics and the birth of the Protestant Aristotelianism.
  8. The „turn to Aristotle” in the Philosophy of the XIX century (F.A. Trendelenburg, Franz Brentano).
  9. Nicomachean Ethics and Analytic Philosophy of the XX century (Moral Intentionality, Logic and Ethics, Deontic Logic).
  10. Nicomachean Ethics in Contemporary Ethical Theory (Decision Theory, Moral Reasoning, Virtue Theory).
  11. The history of the translations of Nicomachean Ethics: from the Middle Ages till now.
  12. Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics in the Russian philosophical tradition.
  13. Nicomachean Ethics, Value Theory, Cultural Criticism, Economics and Political Philosophy.

Saint-Petersburg State University
Institute of Philosophy
Chair of History of Philosophy
Center for Medieval Culture Studies


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