International conferences: „The Protestant Ethics…” and „Asceticism as a principle of spiritual life…”

The International Conference: The Protestant Ethics of Labor and the Formation of Moral Consciousness of European Personality. 

The conference is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

22-24 June, 2017

The conference will discuss the following topics:

  1. The concept of labor in the history of Christian thought
  2. The labor as a principle of life of monasticism
  3. The ethics of labor in the medieval thought and culture
  4. The differentiations of professions and their social status in the medieval towns
  5. Profession as a calling in the teaching of Martin Luther
  6. The importance and the role of labor in the spiritual life of a Christian person
  7. The Protestant ethic of labor and the development of capitalism
  8. Labor and the accumulation of capital in the era of the New Ages
  9. Social contradictions and moral dilemmas of Pre-Modern European ethics of labor
  10. The Protestant ethic of labor in the history of European socio-philosophical thought
  11. Labor as a principle of socialization and moral consciousness of the European personality
  12. The ethics of modern business and the traditional Christian moral norms
  13. The understanding of labor in the Russian spiritual literature and philosophical thought

If you are interested to take part in this project, please, send till 1 December 2016 your abstracts (2-3 pages, 6000-8000 signs) and brief information about yourself and your scientific status to e-mail address of Chief of Organizing Committee: Prof. Oleg E. Dushin

The International Conference: Asceticism as a principle of spiritual life in the teaching of St. Gregory Palamas

17-18 November, 2017

The conference will discuss the following topics:

  1. Asceticism as a principle of Christian morality
  2. Interpretation of asceticism in the spiritual heritage of the Church Fathers
  3. The ascetic practices as the foundation of the spiritual life of monasticism
  4. The monastic spiritual guidance and the ascetic practice of obedience
  5. Physical and spiritual dimensions of asceticism in the hesychastic tradition
  6. Experience of silence as an ascetic practice in the hesychastic tradition
  7. Asceticism as the foundation of mystical practice in the teaching of St. Gregory Palamas
  8. St. Gregory Palamas as an ascetic: his life and spiritual deed
  9. Will and mind in the ascetic practices of the Middle Ages
  10. Ethical rules of asceticism and modern culture
  11. Asceticism as a principle of life of Russian monks-elders
  12. The understanding of asceticism in the Russian religiously-philosophical traditions
  13. The principles of ascetic life in the characters of the Russian literature (F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskov).


If you are interested to take part in this project, please, send till 1 June 2017 your abstracts (2-3 pages, 6000-8000 signs) and brief information about yourself and your scientific status to e-mail address of Chief of Organizing Committee: Prof. Oleg E. Dushin

St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg Philosophical Society
Institute of Philosophy
Department of History of Philosophy
Center for Medieval Culture Studies
St. Gregory Palamas’ International Society


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